Dark Riddle Game Online Free

You have purchased your dream home and are already enjoying your housewarming. But there is one thing, or rather a character, that overshadows your new estate. This is a strange neighbor who is too obsessed with his personal space.

He’s set up cameras all over the yard and is pulling something very suspicious out of the house. You need to get into his house as quickly as possible in order to solve the mystery.

Do you have the courage to visit him?

Your neighbor is not very friendly. Don’t expect an invitation from him. And do not think that he will be delighted with the pie, which is usually worn to the neighbors after the move. You can get to visit him, Only if you decide on it yourself. Well then, get ready to meet on your way a lot of rotating cameras, tricks and riddles.

The game offers to perform a lot of various logical tricks to get into the house. First, try to deal with the gate. Fall into one of his traps, you will have to start your investigation from the very beginning. Your friend is too careful to arrange simple tasks. Therefore, be prepared for those more tests, for the passage of which you will need a lot of effort.

Unprecedented opportunities

You have to play in the first person and learn how to use the items that you can get during the passage of the Dark Riddle. Pick whatever you think you need. Learn to bend over in time. If your neighbor nevertheless noticed something was wrong, then your presence in his house will be very inopportune. It would be better to go back to your own house and sit out until he calms down.

When you get as close as possible to the solution and come close to the basement, be prepared for unexpected twists and turns. The rooms are very reminiscent of an underground laboratory or something like that. They are equipped with the latest modern development of technological models.

What can be hidden behind the evil smile of this character and the veil of traps? Dark Riddle will help you prove yourself as a detective. The main thing is to keep your ears open and listen to every step.