Dark Riddle Game Online Free

When you move into a new house, beautiful pictures of a funny life are created in your mind. Your cosiness and comfort become the main goal. What can break this idyll? Of course, the unexpectedly weird dude next door. He behaves not so suspiciously, but one might even say intimidatingly.

Strange sounds come from his house in the evening. Things get creepier when he pulls out the package. And this package, like in the best horror films, is wrapped in the shape of a human body. Strange company for a friendly neighborhood barbecue. is not it?

Is there something worth your attention or is it just another trap? The craziest thriller of your life. This will make the most sensational investigation in the history of the town. Can you become the detective who managed to expose the strange guy?

Hell friends next door

You are a hero who has to find out what’s the matter. What does your neighbor do at night and why is his whole house stuffed with security cameras? As you play, you will notice that these cameras are also rotating. Is there a terrible secret hiding behind the door of the neighbor’s house?

Many traps that you should not fall into have been left in the yard by the developers of the game for you. The dark rider has set traps in every nook and cranny and in every room. Solve specific puzzles and open location after location to get to the basement. All roads now lead to the basement.

Will your investigation pay off?

If a person had nothing to hide, he would not bother so much with motion sensors and other tricks. You will have to find out all the secrets from the first person in the stealth game that you see on your screen. The best animation will help you easily navigate and start interacting with the items that can be found in this city. Learn how to use a flashlight to find clues in the dark and stay undetected. Each clue is a phenomenal clue to the next riddle.

While you are investigating, the neighbor is playing cat and mouse with you. Do you feel like a real detective who can solve the most difficult puzzles? Why hasn’t anyone paid attention to this guy before? Open pandora’s chest and find out what this bad guy is really up to.

Incredible original idea and amazing graphics

Each pixel of the game is responsible for its own business. Every detail here carries a semantic load. Quirky buildings, a beautiful and vibrant city, stunning rooms and a beautifully rendered neighbor. His character traits betray an evil genius in him. and this is confirmed by the well-equipped rooms. Entering the house, appreciate the talent of a neighbor at its true worth. He obviously responsibly approached the design of the estate.

As well as the developers to the creation of Dark Riddle. Gather your essentials. Find lock picks, matches and buttons. All this will become your lifeline. It becomes even more interesting to play when you get into the cycle of puzzles that are interconnected. It is like a vicious circle of tasks, starting to wander along which it is already impossible to stop.